Instructions to sign up for our E-Pay/E-Bill services:

1.  Click on the green  View / Pay eBills icon.   The eCommerce page will appear and  you will have to register your account.

2.  On the eCommerce page cllick on the  Register icon. You will have to enter the following information:

        User ID

        First and Last Name

        Email address

        Re-enter Email address

        Password (Must be at least 6 characters long)

        Re-enter your password

        Choose a Security Question

        Answer your Security Question

        Click Continue

         A  message will be sent to your email.  This message will come from

3.  Check your email.  Once you have received the message from, write down your User Name and Verification Code.  Click on the hyperlink in your email.  You will be prompted to enter your User Name, Password, and Verification Code.

4.  Go back to website, click on view/pay ebills, enter your User ID and Password and click Sign In.

5.  On the eCommerce page click on Add Account.  You will be prompted to enter your Account #, Pin # (this will be in the top middle of your bill), and click Continue.

6.  The Terms and Conditions page will appear.  At the bottom of the page enter the City where you were born and click Agree.

7.  Once Baton Water receives your registration information, you will receive an email stating that you can view and pay your bill online.

8.  If registration is complete before the 20th of the month the bill will be ebilled that month.